Posts in re-orient
Be Kinder to Yourself! (Somatic Exercise for Self-Kindness)

This soothing and powerful somatic exercise for self-kindness will help be kinder to yourself by helping you connect with an authentic sense of self-kindness within. Plus, it's deeply regulating! It utilizes Havening Techniques, Iffirmations and Regenerating Images in Memory to give you a deep and healing experience.

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Heart Centered Intention Setting Exercise

In a world full of overthinking and endless choices, the intelligence of your heart can be your truest guide.

In this episode of Somatic Healing Meditations, Karena guides you through a Heart Centered Intention Setting Exercise so that you can align your goals, resolutions and intentions with the profound intelligence of your heart.

You can bring ANY goal, resolution or intention to this exercise to gain more clarity, alignment and support.

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