Guidance From Your Future Self Meditation

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The power of connecting with your future self

Do you ever feel like your dreams and goals live in the elusive realm called “someday”? Trust me, you’re not alone! So many of us struggle to consistently find motivation and make choices that guide us towards our best future outcomes.

Instead of living lives of purpose and joy and following our deepest dreams and desires, we often opt for instant gratification and look for easy answers.

I know this, because I’m incredibly guilty of it myself!

But, researchers have found a powerful psychological tool that can help us naturally have more intrinsic motivation and momentum towards our goals and dreams - and that’s connecting emotionally with our future self.

Benefits of future self meditation

According to scientists who have mapped the brain, different areas of our brains light up when we think of ourselves than light up when we think of others.

And, research done by Hal Hershfeld and his colleagues found that the more people saw their future selves as an entirely different person (according to their brain patterns), the more their decisions were oriented towards instant gratification and the less future oriented they were.

But, when scientists helped these same research subjects become more emotionally connected to their future selves, they experienced more willingness and capacity to behave in future oriented ways.

So, connecting with our future selves can help us more naturally make decisions that are aligned with our highest and greatest good in the long term.

I’ve also personally experienced my future self as a powerful source of compassion, support, healing and guidance!

This guided meditation to get guidance from your future self can help you powerfully connect with and get guidance from your future self using my favorite emotional processing technique, Regenerating Images in Memory®.

Do the Guidance From Your Future Self Meditation now!

(The guided meditation starts at 03:24)

Today’s episode is brought to you by my upcoming workshop, Breakthrough Your Blocks (And Become Who You Were Born to Be)!

As we journey towards our big dreams and desires, we have to step outside of our comfort zones, and a normal and natural part of this expansion is running into inner limitations that have held us back in the past.

Things like limiting beliefs, old wounds, and feelings of unworthiness and self doubt will continue to dictate our thoughts, feelings and motivations at a subconscious level until we learn to heal them - and that’s exactly what I’m going to be talking about in this transformational workshop.

Thank you so much for joining me for this powerful future self meditation!

How do you feel now? What guidance did you get from your future self? Do you feel more emotionally connected to your future self? Please let me know in the comments!

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And remember to join me every Friday on this beautiful journey out of your head, and into your more embodied and authentic self.


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About me

Hey, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

Join me for my upcoming workshop: Breakthrough Your Blocks (And Become Who You Were Born to Be)!

It’s time to unpack the invisible baggage that’s been holding you back!

Learn more and sign up now!