Heart Centered Intention Setting Exercise

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Heart Centered Intention Setting: Connecting with “The Little Brain in The Heart”

There is a profound intelligence in your heart that can guide you to where you want to go and keep you on a path that’s aligned with your authentic self.

In fact, scientists have discovered there are intelligent brain-like cells that exist in your heart that operate independently from the brain in your head. This “the little brain in the heart” sends far more information to the brain than the brain sends to it.

This confirms what cultures across the globe and throughout time have known: our hearts are connected to some kind of deep inner knowing and intuitive wisdom. And when we tap into this wisdom, it can help us align with a bigger and more true sense of who we are and what we want to achieve in this lifetime.

I’ve been consciously connecting with my heart and tapping into its guidance for a while now and the answers I’ve received and synchronicities I’ve experienced have been actually mind boggling. Answers to my questions will just drop in out of nowhere. I’ll have feeling, nudges, and thoughts that seem to arise out of thin air that bring so much clarity and peace. Someone will randomly say one sentence to me and it will contain the exact thing that I need to hear for my highest healing and progress. It’s been completely amazing. It has truly felt like I’m connected to and supported by a bigger wisdom than my mind has access to.

In a world full of overthinking and endless choices, the intelligence of your heart can be your truest guide.

5 reasons to do heart centered intention setting

  1. Your heart knows your true north. Your heart is connected to your values, your authentic self as well as your greatest purpose, peace and joy. While our minds can convince us of anything, our hearts are connected to a bigger and truer sense of who we are.

  2. Your heart’s wisdom will guide you on a path that aligns with who you truly are. Instead of chasing external validation or trying to become who we think we “should” be, our hearts guide us towards our deepest happiness and healing.

  3. Setting heart centered intentions can help you create more harmony between your true inner values and external actions. Instead of chasing goals that leave you burned out and unfulfilled, the path of your heart can bring a profound sense of satisfaction and contentment.

  4. When you follow the guidance of your heart, you’re more likely to show up in your life with vulnerability, authenticity and the courage to follow through. When you’re following an aligned path, more of your light, strength and truth can show up.

  5. Without heart our lives can feel like it’s all just empty hustle. But on the path of the heart, your fulfillment and healing are at the forefront.

Do the heart centered intention setting exercise now!

You can bring ANY goal, resolution or intention to this exercise.
The exercise starts at 3:51.

This episode of Somatic Healing Meditations is brought to you by my upcoming transformational workshop: Breakthrough Your Blocks (And Become Who You Were Born to Be)!

In this powerful workshop, I’ll guide you through 3 powerful exercises to help you find and resolve blocks and resistance that cause you to subconsciously self-sabotage. Plus, these exercises will also help you build new neural pathways to support you as you journey towards your dreams.

It’s perfect for helping you unpack the invisible baggage that’s been holding you back in a body-centered, compassionate and effective way!

How did that Heart Centered Intention Setting Exercise feel to you?

How does your intention look or feel different to you now?

Did you have any realizations of a-has?

I would love to hear about your experience in the comments!

Thank you so much for joining me for this powerful intention setting exercise!

I hope that it helped you find more clarity, support and alignment with the goal, resolution or intention you brought to it!

Remember that on the path of the heart, the journey is just as important as the outcome! The feelings you have and the learnings you get along the way are just as important as any achievement.

If you liked this episode, I would love it if you would subscribe, rate and review this podcast!

And remember to join me every Friday on this beautiful journey out of your head, and into your more embodied and authentic self.


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About me

Hey, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

Join me for my upcoming workshop: Breakthrough Your Blocks (And Become Who You Were Born to Be)!

It’s time to unpack the invisible baggage that’s been holding you back!

Learn more and sign up now!