Feel it to Heal it


(Learn a body-centered approach to feeling your feelings + wake up to the wisdom within!)

  • Connect with your body and emotions in a deep and supportive way.

  • Learn exactly what it means to “feel it to heal it” (as well as 4 exercises to do just that).

  • Gain insight into your emotional patterns and knee-jerk reactions to life.

  • Learn a powerful mind-body technique to soothe your distressing emotions so you can increase your comfort with your emotions.

  • Use your deepening body awareness as a tool for healing and authentic living.


 It’s not enough to cognitively understand your emotions …

Karena Neukirchner (she/her)
somatic healing coach

I know so many brilliant, self-reflective people who can eloquently tell me about their struggles and emotions. They know all about their coping mechanisms and childhood wounds.

...But, they still feel stuck and unable to move beyond the patterns they’re so acutely aware of.

This is because cognitive understanding alone isn't enough for the transformation and healing you desire.

You have to feel your pain in order to listen to its wisdom, integrate its energy and heal it in a way that brings you inner freedom.

In this powerful mini-course, I lay out exactly what it means to “feel your feelings” so you can heal them AND guide you through 4 effective exercises so you can do just that!

Accelerate your healing by learning to deepen your relationship with your body and wake up the wisdom within!


 Learn exactly HOW to “feel it to heal it” in this powerful mini-course!


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