How To Deal With Uncertainty (A Guided Meditation To Find More Calm)

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Uncertainty is Part of Healing and Growth

Uncertainty is an inevitable part of being human - and is especially pronounced when we’re on a healing journey. And the truth is that a certain kind of discomfort comes with that uncertainty.

It’s the flutter in your stomach when you think about the future, the weight in your heart when you realize you don’t have all the answers. It’s the restless nights, the unanswered questions, the feeling that the ground underneath your feet isn’t as solid as you’d like it to be.

This discomfort can leave us feeling stuck in a place where nothing seems to make sense.

But what if this in-between space is exactly where you’re supposed to be?

Moments of uncertainty are inherent to growth and healing. We all experience times when the patterns of our past no longer work, but we don’t yet know how to move forward differently.

Becoming more truly you requires these unsteady moments—moments of asking questions you don’t have answers to and venturing beyond your predictable comfort zone.

It’s uncertain to be a beginner, to be vulnerable, to be imperfect, to be human.

And it’s normal to not have everything all figured out.

In fact, sometimes it’s in the not knowing that we learn, grow, and become more authentic and whole.

How To Deal With Uncertainty

So how do we deal with uncertainty? Often, our first reaction is to push those feelings away and try even harder to control everything, to know everything, to figure everything out, and to nail everything down. But this approach only creates more anxiety in our lives and tension in our bodies.

Instead, consider a different path. Rather than judging yourself and muscling through, take a moment to pause. Give yourself permission to feel your feelings, to take care of your inner self, and to reconnect with your inner guidance and clarity.

Embrace the uncertainty as a necessary part of your journey—a sign that you are growing, evolving, and becoming more aligned with your true self.

When we approach uncertainty with compassion and openness, we create space for healing. We begin to release the uncomfortable feelings and fears that have been weighing us down, allowing ourselves to find more calm and centeredness within.

And that’s exactly what this Guided Meditation To Find More Peace in Moments of Uncertainty is going to support you with.

This meditation utilizes all of my favorite somatic emotional processing techniques: Havening®, Iffirmations, and Regenerating Images in Memory®. During this soothing meditation, you’ll be guided to drop in, feel your feelings, take care of your inner world, and reconnect with an inner sense of clarity and calm.

Try this Guided Meditation To Find More Calm now!

Episode timing:

00:00 - How To Deal With Uncertainty
03:44 - Guided Meditation to Find More Calm in Uncertain Times
28:07 - Conclusion

Learn more about Havening Techniques and the science behind them

Learn all about Iffirmations here

If you’d like to learn more about the holistic and compassionate emotional healing paradigm that informs all of my work, please join me for my upcoming free training!

In this powerful 75-minute training you’ll:

  • Learn to heal your core issues in a loving and integrated way.

  • Discover the roots of your triggers in the subconscious mind.

  • Gain profound insights into the conflicts and repeating patterns in your life.

  • Massively increase your self-compassion and self-understanding.

  • Learn the 3 biggest emotional mistakes you’re making that are keeping you stuck and spinning.

Bonus: Iffirmations for Uncertainty

  • What if I don’t have to have it all figured out?

  • What if it’s okay to not have all of the answers all of the time?

  • What if it’s normal to be in a season of questioning and searching?

  • What would it be like to soften my heart to myself, even though I feel uncertain right now?

  • What would it be like to embrace this moment in life even if it feels unsteady?

  • What if I can navigate this uncertain moment with deep self-compassion and kindness?

  • What would it be like to approach the unknown with more curiosity?

  • What if I can find more peace in this space where my answers have yet to arrive?

  • What if there’s something beautifully brave about this part of my journey, even if it feels unclear right now?

  • What if I’m growing, healing, and becoming more truly me in ways I can’t yet see?

  • What if I’m not lost, I’m simply expanding?

  • More and more, I choose to be gentle with myself.

  • More and more, I choose me.

How was that Guided Meditation To Find More Calm in Moments of Uncertainty for you?

What has shifted within you? And what do you understand now that you didn’t understand before?

Please let me know in the comments!

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And please join me every Friday on this beautiful journey out of your head, and into your more embodied and authentic self.

Thank you so much for being here!


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Enjoy more like this: Havening Exercises, Iffirmations, RIM® Exercises

About me

Hi there, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma-informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds, and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

Want to go deeper? Join me for The Secret Wisdom of Your Triggers!

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