Meditation For When You Need A Good Cry

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Need A Good Cry?

I LOVE a good cry. Crying is such an effective way to release pent-up emotions and stress.

But in a world that often judges crying as weak and tells us to "stay strong" and "hold it together," we sometimes forget that crying is a powerful, natural process that our bodies and hearts need. 

Allowing ourselves to cry when we need to is actually a profound act of self-care that supports our overall health and well-being.

The Science Behind Our Tears

When we cry, our bodies are doing more than just shedding tears. We’re actually engaging in a natural biological healing process. Crying has been shown to trigger the release of oxytocin and endorphins—our body's natural painkillers - which help to soothe both physical and emotional pain.

Research has also shown that crying can reduce stress levels by lowering cortisol, the hormone associated with stress. 

Crying is also one way that we can naturally reset our nervous system. Crying has been shown to bring us out of a dysregulated sympathetic state and back into a more balanced and functional nervous system state. This helps to calm the mind and body, creating a sense of safety and peace that we can carry with us long after the tears have dried.

Crying For Emotional Release

Crying is also an amazingly effective way to have a healthy release of emotions and emotional stress (which is so valuable)! Most people don’t realize that so much of our stress, tension, overwhelm, and confusion comes from bottling up our emotions instead of processing them in a way that allows them to be released.

It also becomes very difficult to navigate our lives from a place of authenticity when we’re bottling our emotions because we’re disconnected from big parts of our inner knowing and inner wisdom. It also makes our thoughts much more cluttered and anxious when our bodies are full of unprocessed emotions.

Additionally, studies have linked repressing our emotions with a variety of physiological and mental outcomes including a less resilient immune system, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, anxiety, and depression.

So, if you need a good cry right now, let’s get those tears flowing with this gentle and supportive, body-centered meditation for when you need a good cry.

Meditation For When You Need A Good Cry

This gentle meditation will help you drop into your body and draw closer to the parts of you that want to cry right now. By connecting with yourself and your feelings in this way, not only will it help you let your tears flow, but it will also help you connect with your feelings in a loving way that helps them move through you and naturally release.

This meditation utilizes my favorite emotional processing technique, Regenerating Images in Memory® (or RIM). RIM is a body-centered therapeutic tool that helps us drop below our conscious mind and go more deeply into our subconscious and the feelings that live in our body, which leads us to much deeper resolution and release.

Try the Meditation For When You Need A Good Cry Now!

Episode timing -

00:00 - Health Benefits of Crying

03:10 - Meditation For When You Need A Good Cry (using Regenerating Images in Memory®)

28:24 - Conclusion

If you’d like to learn more about the holistic and compassionate emotional healing paradigm that informs all of my work, please join me for my upcoming free training!

In this powerful 75-minute training you’ll:

  • Learn to heal your core issues in a loving and integrated way.

  • Discover the roots of your triggers in the subconscious mind.

  • Gain profound insights into the conflicts and repeating patterns in your life.

  • Massively increase your self-compassion and self-understanding.

  • Learn the 3 biggest emotional mistakes you’re making that are keeping you stuck and spinning.

How did that Meditation For When You Need A Good Cry go for you?

Did you get a good cry? What did you release? What did you realize?

Please let me know in the comments!

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Thank you so much for joining me!


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About me

Hi there, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma-informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds, and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

Want to go deeper? Join me for The Secret Wisdom of Your Triggers!

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