Parts Work Meditation For Anxiety (+ How To Heal Your Anxious Thoughts At The Roots)

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How To Heal Your Anxious Thoughts And Feelings

Have you ever wondered why anxiety seems to appear out of nowhere, taking over your thoughts and feelings?

The truth is that these anxious thoughts and feelings are not just random; they’re symptoms of deeper issues held within our subconscious and body.

Ultimately, our anxiety is communicating to us that we have parts within us that need our attention, compassion, and care. And by understanding anxiety’s communication, we can uncover and address the deeper issues within.

➡️➡️➡️ You can transform your relationship with anxiety by compassionately understanding why it arises in the first place.

When we start to see our anxious thoughts and feelings as messages from our deeper selves, we can approach them with more curiosity and compassion. This shift in perspective can transform our relationship with anxiety and invite us to explore the hidden roots of anxiety.

This line of inquiry can lead to profound insights, helping us to identify unresolved emotions, unmet needs, or unprocessed emotions from the past that feed our anxious thoughts.

Parts Work Meditation For Anxiety

Today’s special podcast episode is a recording of a live workshop that I did recently called “How To Heal Your Anxious Thoughts (At The Roots)”.

It will help you compassionately examine the hidden roots of your anxious thoughts. Plus, I guide you through a Parts Work Meditation For Anxiety that can help you experience deep anxiety relief while growing in self-compassion and self-understanding.

I truly hope that you enjoy this workshop and this parts work meditation! It’s a potent and holistic exploration of how to deepen your healing journey so that you can experience real change in your anxiety. Plus it introduces you to an incredibly effective paradigm of body-centered emotional healing to help you heal your core issues and make real change in your life.

Do The Parts Work Meditation For Anxiety now!

Episode timing:

00:00 - How To Heal Your Anxious Thoughts (At The Roots)
03:40 - Your thoughts are symptoms of something deeper
13:21 - The Hidden Roots of Anxiety
19:36 - How To Work With Our Anxious Parts
32:44 - Parts Work Meditation For Anxiety
1:00:00 - Question + Answers

Other episodes mentioned: 038 - 15-Minute Meditation to Effectively Reduce Anxiety And Stress (Using Havening Techniques)

Download the slides from the workshop

For a short time only, enrollment is open for my group coaching program, Rooted + Resilient!

When you're ready for deep transformation what you really need is a practical approach to deep self-healing ... an easy and non-threatening way to explore and transform the holistic ecosystem of your psyche.

And that’s exactly what you get in Rooted + Resilient.

Join me to deepen your healing journey and heal your core issues from the roots.

How was that Parts Work Meditation For Anxiety for you? And how did you like the workshop?

What feels different to you now? And what do you understand about your anxious thoughts that you didn’t know before?

Please let me know in the comments!

➡️ If you enjoyed this episode, I would love it if you would subscribe, rate, and review this podcast!

And please join me every Friday on this beautiful journey out of your head, and into your more embodied and authentic self.

Thanks for being here!


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About me

Hey, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

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