A Soothing Somatic Meditation For When The World Feels Out Of Control

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Taking Care of Yourself When The World Feels Out Of Control

It’s okay to not be okay.

In these tumultuous times, it's completely normal to feel overwhelmed, anxious, angry, numb, or even hopeless. Whether you're grappling with personal challenges, or feeling the weight of global events and social unrest, know that you are not alone. The constant barrage of distressing news and the pressures of daily life can make it seem like the world is spiraling out of control.

But take heart in knowing that these feelings are shared by many. It’s okay to feel this way, and there is no shame in your emotions.

Together, we can find ways to navigate these challenges and support each other in finding peace and resilience.

I designed this soothing somatic meditation to be a sanctuary where you can soothe your nervous system and connect with your loving inner voice amidst the chaos of the world. It can bring you deeper self-understanding, plus some much-needed relief.

As you listen, you’ll be gently guided to use my 2 favorite emotional processing techniques: Havening Techniques® and Regenerating Images in Memory® to feel your feelings, soothe your nervous system, and let your emotions move through you so you can connect more deeply with your wise and loving inner voice that can carry you through. This is your time to be with yourself, to honor your feelings, and find some authentic relief.

Try This Soothing Somatic Meditation For When The World Feels Out Of Control Now

Episode timing

00:00 - Taking care of yourself when the world feels out of control
03:22 - Soothing Somatic Meditation Part 1: Soothe your distress with Havening Techniques®
17:05 - Soothing Somatic Meditation Part 2: Body-centered emotional processing using Regenerating Images in Memory®
31:25 - Conclusion

Learn more about Havening Techniques and the science behind them

This episode is brought to you by The Co-Regulation Community!

I created The Co-Regulation Community so you can soothe your stress on a deep body level, while also rewiring your nervous system for more authenticity, resilience, and peace. 

Join The Co-Regulation Community now to:

  • Release habituated patterns of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm - while cultivating new, healthier patterns deep in your nervous system.

  • Regularly practice soothing and effective body-centered techniques to find healing, become less reactive, and soothe your stress.

  • Learn powerful, life-long tools that empower you to find balance and clarity even under stressful circumstances.

How was that soothing somatic meditation for when the world feels out of control for you?

Did your levels of distress come down? What shifted within you?

And what do you understand now that you didn’t understand before?

Let me know in the comments!

Please remember, no matter what you’re feeling, there’s nothing wrong with you and you’re not alone.

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And please join me every Friday on this beautiful journey out of your head, and into your more embodied and authentic self.

Thank you for joining me and have a lovely day!


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About me

Hi there, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma-informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds, and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

Want to go deeper? Join me in the Co-Regulation Community!

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