5 Minute Self-Compassion Break (using Iffirmations)

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The Importance of Self-Compassion

Welcome to this 5-minute self-compassion break! You deserve so much compassion, but I know it can be incredibly difficult to show yourself compassion in the course of everyday life.

When we practice self-compassion, we create a sacred space for healing. Embracing ourselves as we are allows us to transform our pain into wisdom, and our shame into self-love. Plus, it gives us the courage to face our lives with more clarity and grace.

Let's make self-compassion a daily practice and unlock the door to profound transformation. Remember, you deserve all the love and care you offer to others.

This 5-minute self-compassion guided meditation will help you meet yourself where you are and then soften your heart toward yourself so you can cultivate more self-compassion in a soothing and effective way.

Try the 5-minute self-compassion break now!

Episode timing:

00:00 - you deserve self-compassion
01:22 - Self Compassion Break Part 1: Soothing + Regulating Breathing
03:57 - Self-Compassion Break Part 2: Iffirmations for Increasing Self-Compassion
7:00 - Conclusion

Learn all about Iffirmations here

Iffirmations to Increase Your Self-Compassion

  • What if it’s okay to feel this way right now?

  • What if there’s nothing wrong with me for feeling how I’m feeling?

  • What if my feelings here actually make sense in a way?

  • What if I can soften my heart towards myself and this moment?

  • What if I can start to accept myself where I am and as I am?

  • What would it be like to have more and more compassion for myself exactly as I am?

  • What would it be like if I learned to honor myself, imperfections and all?

  • Who would I become if I could release my self-judgment and foster self-understanding instead?

  • What if I can become a steady source of love and compassion in my life?

  • What if I can have my back even when things are hard?

  • What if I can be patient with myself?

  • What would it be like to understand that I’m a work in progress and that’s okay?

  • What if self-compassion is my best route forward?

  • What if I truly and deeply deserve compassion?

  • What if I truly and deeply deserve compassion, because …

This 5-minute Self-Compassion Break is brought to you by The Co-Regulation Community!

I created The Co-Regulation Community so you can soothe your stress on a deep body level, while also rewiring your nervous system for more authenticity, resilience, and peace. 

Join The Co-Regulation Community now to:

  • Release habituated patterns of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm - while cultivating new, healthier patterns deep in your nervous system.

  • Regularly practice soothing and effective body-centered techniques to find healing, become less reactive, and soothe your stress.

  • Learn powerful, life-long tools that empower you to find balance and clarity even under stressful circumstances.

How did that 5-minute Self-Compassion Break feel to you?

What shifted within you?

And what iffirmations would YOU add?

Let me know in the comments!

➡️ If you enjoyed this episode, I would love it if you would subscribe, rate, and review this podcast!

And please join me every Friday on this beautiful journey out of your head, and into your more embodied and authentic self.

Thank you for joining me and have a lovely day!


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Enjoy more like this: Self-Compassion, Iffirmations

About me

Hi there, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma-informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds, and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

Want to go deeper? Join me in the Co-Regulation Community!

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