Use Iffirmations Instead of Affirmations

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What are Iffirmations?

Welcome to the expansive world of iffirmations!

Iffirmations are a more powerful, authentic and effective form of affirmations. They help you shift your mindset and get unstuck by priming your subconscious mind for creative problem solving and opening you up to greater curiosity and possibilities.

But, unlike affirmations, they feel expansive and authentic (and don’t require you to engage in toxic positivity or spiritual bypassing)!

Try iffirmations with me now and I think you’ll see what I mean:

Taking a breath, scan your body and say the following affirmations:

  • I am worthy.

  • I am safe.

  • I am loved.

  • Things are always working out for my highest good.

How do those statements feel in your body?

Great. Now, try them as iffirmations:

  • What if I am worthy?

  • What if I am safe?

  • What if I am loved?

  • What if things are always working out for my highest good?

How do the iffirmations feel in your body?

What differences do you notice in how the affirmations feel versus how the iffirmations feel?

Iffirmations and Havening Techniques®

Iffirmations come from the world of Havening Techniques® and were originally developed by Tony Burgess, who is Head of Trainer Training for Havening Techniques®.

Tony noticed that we innately have the tendency to come up with “what if” scenarios in our imaginations, but we often (accidentally) use this tendency to create worry and stress in our lives.

We frequently think things like “What if something goes wrong?”, “What if I fail?”, “What if something bad happens?”, and these thoughts increase our worry and hold us back.

But, what if we use this innate tendency our brains already engage in to uplift ourselves? What if we prime our creative imagination with possibilities of love, success, and well-being instead of worry, stress, and failure?

So, he suggested adding the words “what if” to statements of things that we desire to be true and iffirmations were born!

Watch the video about iffirmations now!

Today’s episode is brought to you by my upcoming workshop, Breakthrough Your Blocks (And Become Who You Were Born to Be)!

As we journey towards our big dreams and desires, we have to step outside of our comfort zones, and a normal and natural part of this expansion is running into inner limitations that have held us back in the past.

Things like limiting beliefs, old wounds, and feelings of unworthiness and self doubt will continue to dictate our thoughts, feelings and motivations at a subconscious level until we learn to heal them - and that’s exactly what I’m going to be talking about in this transformational workshop.

Why use iffirmations

Iffirmations have proven to be a brilliant and authentic way to create a bridge from where we are to where we want to be. They can open us to greater possibilities in our lives, and can help us find intrinsic motivation, solutions to our problems, answers to our questions and compassion for our doubts and struggles.

They’re a gentle way to move us forward without trying to rely on affirmations that so often feel like sugary sweet lies.

5 reasons iffirmations are incredibly effective:

  1. Instinctive Elaboration:
    Iffirmations leverage a process called instinctive elaboration. When we are asked a question, our brains automatically try to answer it. So, when we pose questions like, “What if I can handle this?” or “What if I’m more capable than I think?”, our brain automatically seeks answers. Engaging in iffirmations directs our brain to find evidence supporting these questions.

  2. Interrogative Self Talk:
    Interrogative Self Talk has been shown to outperform Positive Self Talk. In a study, participants asking "Can I do it?" solved twice as many problems compared to those affirming "I can do it." Interrogative self talk, like iffirmations, taps into intrinsic motivation, making it more effective in achieving goals.

  3. The Power of Curiosity And Possibilities:
    Iffirmations invite our minds into a world of curiosity and possibility. Unlike affirmations, we don't need to agree or disagree; instead, we can explore them. This exploration often leads to more insightful questions. For example, the iffirmation “What if I could love myself more?” might bring forward more questions like “What would that even be like?”, “How would I act if I loved myself more?”, and “What does self love really look like to me?”

    These questions can take us into a world of expansion and reflection.

  4. Authenticity:
    One of the most powerful things about iffirmations is that they are authentic! This is extra important in the context of somatic healing, where the mind-body connection plays a pivotal role. Trying to convince ourselves of positive statements that don't resonate on a deep level generates tension within our bodies and subconscious psyches. The truth is: trying to force ourlseves to be positive is actually a negative experience deep down.
    But, iffirmations allow us to be real, flawed, vulnerable, confused and human while still moving towards our goals.
    ➡️ Iffirmations don’t deny our current reality, they help us expand it.

  5. Compassion and Healing:
    One of my very favorite things about iffirmations is that they help us cultivate self-acceptance and compassion. In a world where we tend to be tough on ourselves, we can use iffirmations to soften towards ourselves and our feelings. It's that 'Hey, it's okay not to have it all together' vibe. This acceptance is not just the cherry on top; it's the foundation for genuine growth.

Iffirmations for Self-Compassion:

Try these iffirmations for self-compassion now and see how they feel!

  • What if I can soften my heart towards myself today?

  • What if I can start to accept myself where I am and as I am?

  • What would it be like to understand that I’m a work in progress and that’s okay?

  • What would it be like if I learned to honor myself, imperfections and all?

  • Who would I become if I could release my self judgment and foster self understanding instead?

  • What if I can become a steady source of love and compassion in my life?

  • What would it be like to stop apologizing for being myself?

  • What if I can have my back even when things are hard?

  • What if I can be patient with myself?

  • What would it be like to show up for myself more lovingly and embrace myself and my feelings?

  • What if self-compassion is my best route forward?

  • What if I truly and deeply deserve compassion?

  • Now finish this sentence: What if I truly and deeply deserve compassion, because …

So, I’m curious, what do you think of iffirmations? How do they feel to you?

Also, I’m going to be making many iffirmation meditations for this podcast! What topics would you like me to cover? Please let me know in the comments!

If you liked this episode, I would love it if you would subscribe, rate and review this podcast!

And remember to join me every Friday on this beautiful journey out of your head, and into your more embodied and authentic self.

Thank you so much for joining me!


More resources from Tony Burgess (the originator of iffirmations):

About me

Hey, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

Join me for my upcoming workshop: Breakthrough Your Blocks (And Become Who You Were Born to Be)!

It’s time to unpack the invisible baggage that’s been holding you back!

Learn more and sign up now!