Guided Somatic Meditation to Strengthen Your Mind-Body Connection

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The Importance of The Mind-Body Connection

Most of us spend most of our time lost in our thoughts, disconnected from our hearts, and stuffing our true feelings.  We’ve been trained to ignore our bodies, repress our natural emotional responses, and deny our gut feelings.

This is particularly true for those of us who have experienced trauma.  When we experience trauma (big or small), our body remembers everything, while our mind goes to work trying to protect us from our own overwhelming trauma responses.  This creates a rift between the conscious stories of our mind and the lived experience of our body.

It feels normal to live in our heads rather than in our bodies, but we don’t realize how much it costs us.
When we're disconnected from the sensations of our body, we're cut off from the incredible wisdom of our bodies, emotions, and intuition.
It becomes normal to feel anxious, angry, or stressed and not really know why.  We find ourselves on a confusing roller coaster of uncomfortable physical and emotional symptoms.  We doubt ourselves and lack a clear sense of direction.

But, learning to strengthen our mind-body connection has a host of benefits.

For one thing, learning to tune in to the feelings in our bodies is a regulating practice. It has been shown that increasing your interoceptive awareness (which means increasing your capacity to notice your internal sensations) down-regulates your survival brain and tones your vagus nerve. This helps us decrease our feelings of stress and anxiety.

Plus, the greater your awareness of your physical sensations, the more connected you are to yourself as a whole.

Connecting with your body allows you to dive deeper into your internal world and gain a better understanding of your real and natural reactions to life. This can help you open to greater healing and authenticity as you learn to connect with and acknowledge information that may not always be available to your conscious mind. There’s so much wisdom held within the implicit knowledge of our bodies about who we authentically are and how we authentically feel. As we connect more and more with these deeper parts of our consciousness, we begin to have a fuller sense of ourselves, our needs, and desires.

So in today’s guided somatic meditation to strengthen your mind-body connection, we’re going to practice turning our awareness inwards and increasing our interoceptive awareness.

Try the Guided Somatic Meditation to Strengthen Your Mind-Body Connection now!

Episode timing:

00:00 - The Importance of The Mind-Body Connection

05:10 - Guided Somatic Meditation to Strengthen Your Mind-Body Connection

23:14 - Conclusion

This episode is brought to you by The Co-Regulation Community!

I created The Co-Regulation Community so you can soothe your stress on a deep body level, while also rewiring your nervous system for more authenticity, resilience, and peace. 

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How did this Guided Somatic Meditation to Strengthen Your Mind-Body Connection feel to you?

What did you notice when you tuned in to your internal sensations? And what are you realizing now about your mind-body connection?

Please let me know in the comments!

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Thank you so much for joining me! Have a lovely day.


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About me

Hey, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma-informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds, and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

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