Somatic Meditation To Feel Your Emotions

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Feel Your Emotions To Heal

“If you want to feel better, get better at feeling.” - unknown

You've probably heard that in order to heal, you need to feel your emotions. This is absolutely true, but it can be hard to know HOW exactly to do that.

In today's world, we often find ourselves lost in our thoughts, disconnected from our hearts, and stuffing our true feelings. We've been taught to ignore our bodies, suppress our natural emotional responses, and deny our gut instincts.

Instead of feeling our emotions, we try to push them away, ignore them, over-analyze them, intellectualize them, minimize them, or judge them.

All this suppression only makes our emotions bigger, louder, and more confusing.

Plus, it cuts us off from the incredible wisdom of our bodies and emotions, making it harder to understand our true needs and desires.

Many of us end up feeling consistently overwhelmed, anxious, lost, and disconnected from a deep, authentic sense of self. We often feel at odds with ourselves and our feelings.

On the flip side, truly feeling our emotions allows us to reconnect with our inner selves. By embracing our feelings, we can experience a sense of relief and emotional clarity. When we feel our feelings in a body-centered way, our emotions begin to flow naturally and we gain insights into our deepest desires, values, and authenticity. This process enhances our self-awareness and fosters self-compassion. It helps us move through life with greater ease and authenticity.

Somatic Meditation to Feel Your Emotions

Today, I invite you on a journey inward with a soothing somatic meditation designed specifically to help you feel your emotions in a deep, body-centered way. This isn’t about getting rid of feelings or over-analyzing them. It’s about truly feeling and understanding them, allowing for natural emotional release and relief.

We’ll begin with Havening Techniques®, a gentle, somatic tool that calms your nervous system, making it easier to approach your emotions. This creates a sense of safety, grounding you in your body. Then, we’ll move into Regenerating Images in Memory® (RIM), a powerful tool that helps you dive deeper into your emotions and gain profound insights.

As you engage with this somatic meditation, you’ll start to notice a lovely sense of relief. By feeling and acknowledging your emotions, you allow them to move through you and release, leaving you lighter and more at peace.

Try the Somatic Meditation To Feel Your Emotions now!

Episode timing:

00:00 - Feel Your Emotions To Heal
04:26 - Somatic Meditation To Feel Your Emotions (using Havening Techniques® and Regenerating Images in Memory®)
29:55 - Conclusion

Learn more about Havening Techniques and the science behind them

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Enjoy more like this: Havening Exercises, RIM® Exercises, Regulation Exercises

About me

Hey, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

Want to go deeper? Sign up for the Feel it to Heal it Mini-Course now!

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