How To Find Your Inner Self (A Havening Exercise to Explore Your Inner World)

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Your Inner Self

In the midst of the daily rush, the noise of the world, and the noise in our own heads, it’s easy to become disconnected from our inner selves - that quiet voice within that knows who we are at our core and holds tightly to our deepest truths.

And when we’re disconnected from our inner selves, life feels confusing, overwhelming, and unfulfilling.

We get lost in our to-do lists, we begin to believe all of our thoughts, we shrink to fit in and we abandon the calling of our hearts as we try to become who we think we should be.

There’s often a sense of always searching, but not truly finding the peace and clarity we seek.

And, that’s because we’ll never find that peace and clarity by focusing on the external world or by only listening to our thoughts.

But, beyond our thoughts, limiting beliefs, external roles, and the masks we wear is a truer essence of who we really are - just waiting to guide us.

This inner self is connected to our deeper wisdom, values, and desires. And it’s through connecting with this true essence of ourselves that we experience life with more clarity, authenticity, presence, and joy.

Find Your Inner Self with this Havening® Exercise

In today’s guided somatic meditation, we explore how to find your inner self. In it, I guide you on a soothing and regulating journey to connect with your inner self that will help you drop beneath your thoughts and reconnect with the more authentic essence of who you truly are.

This is a journey of listening deeply and creating a supportive relationship with yourself on a deep level.

We’ll do self-havening for this exercise because Havening has been shown to soothe deep parts of our nervous system and down-regulate our stress responses. Plus, it’s a lovely way to connect with our bodies and build more resilience within.

Try The Havening Exercise To Find Your Inner Self now!

Episode Timing

00:00 - Your Inner Self
02:21 - The Biggest Misconception That Keeps Us Disconnected From Our Inner Selves
05:57 - Havening Exercise To Find Your Inner Self
35:06 - Conclusion

Learn more about Havening Techniques and the science behind them

The Biggest Misconception That Keeps Us Disconnected From Our Inner Selves

It’s important to address a common misconception that often disconnects us from our inner selves. Many people believe that their true authentic selves should always be loving, positive, forgiving, balanced, and joyful.

But, your true inner self is not just a bunch of happy thoughts, sunshine, and rainbows - it’s a rich, dynamic landscape that includes all of your emotions and feelings.

Sometimes our inner truth is to feel hurt when we’re being devalued, angry when we witness injustice, and vulnerable when we’re doing something new or brave (just to name a few examples).

When we expect ourselves to be perpetually positive, we move further away from our inner authenticity.

Embracing All Emotions as Part of Your Inner Self

All of our emotions are integral to our authenticity and healing.

We’re not meant to stay stuck in our anger, fear, or hurt forever, but these feelings are real parts of our journey, and they often carry vital information about our true needs, deepest values, and most genuine selves.

This inner journey is about meeting ourselves where we truly are, feeling what we’re actually feeling, and acknowledging the truth of each moment.

Every emotion contains messages and wisdom that can guide us toward our truest life and deepest healing when we learn to listen and take care of them.

In this meditation, remember that there’s no wrong way to feel and no wrong thing to feel. Each time you acknowledge what you’re truly feeling inside, you take a powerful step toward a more fulfilling, integrated, and authentic life.

So, let’s take off the mask of pretending to be positive and make space for our real, authentic selves. Let’s welcome all our emotions as guides that lead us back to the truth of who we are. In this space of acceptance, we find the fullness of our being, and in that fullness, we connect with our true inner selves.

If you’d like to learn more about the holistic and compassionate emotional healing paradigm that informs all of my work, please join me for my upcoming free training!

In this powerful 75-minute training you’ll:

  • Learn to heal your core issues in a loving and integrated way.

  • Discover the roots of your triggers in the subconscious mind.

  • Gain profound insights into the conflicts and repeating patterns in your life.

  • Massively increase your self-compassion and self-understanding.

  • Learn the 3 biggest emotional mistakes you’re making that are keeping you stuck and spinning.

How did that Havening Exercise To Find Your Inner Self go for you?

What were you able to connect with in your inner world? And what do you understand about your inner self now that you didn’t understand before?

Please let me know in the comments!

➡️ If you enjoyed this episode, I would love it if you would subscribe, rate, and review this podcast!

And please join me every Friday on this beautiful journey out of your head, and into your more embodied and authentic self.

Thank you so much for being here!


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About me

Hi there, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma-informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds, and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

Want to go deeper? Join me for The Secret Wisdom of Your Triggers!

Are you ready to understand your emotions, patterns, and struggles in a deep and compassionate way (plus make real change in your life)?

Enroll for the free training now!