Guided Meditation to Create A More Supportive Relationship With Yourself

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You Deserve A More Supportive Relationship With Yourself

Creating a more supportive relationship with yourself means turning your attention inward, honoring your needs, feeling your feelings, and listening to your own inner voice.

In this space, you become your own safe haven and biggest cheerleader, cultivating trust and authenticity. Here, you allow yourself to feel fully, meeting yourself with love and support.

However, our relationships with ourselves are often anything but supportive.

We’re conditioned to judge and suppress our needs and feelings, prioritizing others over ourselves. Productivity and perfectionism are idealized at the cost of our well-being, and our inner voices are often silenced by external expectations.

This leads to stress, burnout, self-criticism, self-abandonment, and dysregulation.

But there is a way back to yourself.

In today’s guided meditation, we'll practice embracing our feelings and listening to our inner voice in a way that’s soothing, clarifying, and supportive. This meditation uses Havening Techniques® to connect with our bodies and find calm, followed by Regenerating Images in Memory® (RIM) to dive deeper. RIM helps bypass surface thoughts, uncovering your true feelings and desires, and bringing support to the deepest parts of you.

I'll guide you every step of the way.

Try the guided meditation to create a more supportive relationship with yourself now!

Episode timing:

00:00 - You deserve a more supportive relationship with yourself
03:50 - Guided Meditation to Create A More Supportive Relationship With Yourself: Havening for calm and connection
15:38 - Guided Meditation to Create A More Supportive Relationship With Yourself: RIM to go deeper
32:07 - Conclusion

Learn more about Havening Techniques and the science behind them

This guided meditation is brought to you by The Co-Regulation Community!

I created The Co-Regulation Community so you can soothe your stress on a deep body level, while also rewiring your nervous system for more authenticity, resilience, and peace. 

Join The Co-Regulation Community now to:

  • Release habituated patterns of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm - while cultivating new, healthier patterns deep in your nervous system.

  • Regularly practice soothing and effective body-centered techniques to find healing, become less reactive, and soothe your stress.

  • Learn powerful, life-long tools that empower you to find balance and clarity even under stressful circumstances.

How did that Guided Meditation to Create A More Supportive Relationship With Yourself feel to you?

What shifted within you? And what do you understand about yourself and your relationship with yourself now?

Let me know in the comments!

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And please join me every Friday on this beautiful journey out of your head, and into your more embodied and authentic self.

Thank you for joining me and have a lovely day!


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Enjoy more like this: RIM® Exercises, Havening Exercises, Self-Compassion

About me

Hi there, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma-informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds, and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

Want to go deeper? Join me in the Co-Regulation Community!

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