Calm Down When Triggered (A Havening Exercise for Emotional Well-being)

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How to Calm Down When Triggered

We all get triggered sometimes.

And it’s profoundly valuable and supportive to know how to nurture and support ourselves through those triggers.

Instead of judging ourselves, repressing our feelings, numbing or simply spiraling out, we can actually learn to work with our emotional triggers in ways that soothe the reactive parts of our brains, deepen our compassionate self understanding and even heal from the wounds from the past that are at the roots of our triggers.

In this episode of Somatic Healing Meditations, I guide you through a Havening Exercise to calm down when triggered. This exercise is so powerful because it actually soothes the reactive parts of your emotional brain that get activated when emotional triggers come up for you.

This Havening exercise is excellent first aid for when you’re actually feeling triggered and you really need something to soothe your mind, body and emotions (and it only takes about 10 - 15 minutes)!

Understanding and Normalizing Emotional Triggers

If you’re triggered right now, just know that it’s not because you’re broken or weak or bad in any way. You haven’t failed and you aren’t alone.

The truth about emotions is that they’re automatic physiological phenomena that are hardwired into our bodies. Despite our culture minimizing, judging and devaluing emotions, we all have them.

At a basic level, they’re a release of neurochemicals in our brains in response to something. These neurochemicals create a cascade of effects that impact all parts of us - our bodies, minds, perceptions and more.

When we’re emotionally triggered, this innate emotional system reacts in an extra big way because a raw wound, threat or trauma from the past is being activated in your system and these imprints from the past can feel incredibly distressing or painful.

But, again, this happens to everyone sometimes. You’re not broken, bad or wrong. You just need to soothe those over reactive parts of your emotional brain. And that’s exactly what this Havening exercise to calm down when triggered will help you do.

Note: this is Part 1 in my 2 part series called, “Help! I’m triggered!”
In Part 2, I guide through an exercise to heal your emotional triggers at the roots! The exercise in Part 2 is incredibly powerful for when you want to dive deeper, increase your compassionate self understanding and heal deeply so that you won’t get so triggered in the future. Head to Part 2 if you’re ready to uncover (and heal) the roots of your triggers!

Do the Havening Exercise to Calm Down When Triggered now!

Learn all about Havening Techniques® and the science behind them here!

How are you feeling after doing that Havening exercise?

What rating did you give your level of distress at the beginning and how did it change by the end? What looks or feels different now?

Remember that you can do this powerful Havening Exercise to Calm Down When Triggered any time! It’s good for when you’re at a 10 out of 10 of distress, but I also use it when things are just mildly triggering.

Thank you so much for joining me for this Calm Down When Triggered Havening Exercise today!

This is Part 1 in my 2 part “Help, I’m triggered!” series. Come back next week to join me for Part 2, where we’ll dive deeply into how to heal the roots of your triggers using a powerful emotional processing tool called Regenerating Images in Memory!

I hope that it helped you soothe your amygdala and calm your triggers!

If you liked it, I would love it if you could subscribe, rate and review. And remember to join me every Friday on this beautiful journey out of your head, and into your more embodied and authentic self.


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About me

Hey, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

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