7 minute meditation to: calm your nervous system


Are you feeling anxious?  Reactive?  Confused?  Spacey?  Then this 7 minute meditation to calm your nervous system is for you!


It will soothe your nervous system and help you deeply connect with your body!


Soooo many symptoms that disrupt our life are simply symptoms of a stressed (or dysregulated) nervous system!


But, believe it or not - that's good news!  It means that to get yourself back on track, all you have to do is regulate or calm your nervous system!


This quick guided meditation utilizes a combination of somatic experiencing techniques with Open Focus exercises developed by Dr. Les Fehmi.  These Open Focus exercises are scientifically proven to entrain your brain waves into a calmer state - and will help you find peace, contentment and relief!

I hope that this quick meditation has helped you find more peace and calm!


Use it whenever you're feeling out of sorts - it's benefit is cumulative - so each time you do it, you train your nervous system to keep more and more calm during difficult situations!

xoxo, Karena black.png
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About me

Hey, I’m Karena!

I’m a Certified Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM®) Facilitator.

I’ve become known for helping my clients and students quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds and self-sabotaging beliefs that are holding them back!

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