Nervous System Regulation Class


Come practice deeply soothing and effective techniques to regulate your nervous system and soothe your stress (supercharged by the power of coming together in community)!


Learning to regulate your nervous system can help you:

  • Increase your mental and emotional well-being.

  • Decrease your stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

  • Experience greater self-compassion and self-awareness.

  • Strengthen your mind-body connection.

  • Use your deepening body awareness as a tool for healing and authentic living.

Sunday, April 28th

9pm Eastern | 6pm Pacific

Duration: about 30 minutes


Harness the power of neuroplasticity to make real change in your life!

Karena Neukirchner (she/her)
trauma-informed emotional healing coach

If you’re swimming in a sea of anxious thoughts, reactive emotions, physical tension, and stress … you’re not alone! The way modern life is structured and the pace of our world causes our nervous systems to get stuck in cyclical stress and trauma responses (this is called “nervous system dysregulation”).

And, the trickiest thing is that we can’t talk ourselves out of these stress cycles. We can’t rationalize with our nervous systems. We have to practice body-centered techniques to bring our nervous systems into a more regulated state.

This free event is the Inaugural Nervous System Regulation Class for my newest offering, The Co-Regulation Community! Join me to experience deep stress relief that cultivates resilience and calm in your nervous system and body!


 Decrease your stress and tension, strengthen your mind-body connection, and quiet your mind in the free Nervous System Regulation Class!


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