Free workshop:

Shadow Work:
The What, Why and How

A deep (and compassionate) look at the subconscious forces that powerfully shape our lives

+ how to effectively shift them!


In this powerful, 75-minute training, you’ll:

  • Gain profound insights into the baffling behaviors, irrational feelings and repeating patterns in your life.

  • Dive beneath the surface of your conscious mind to explore the subconscious motivations, needs, desires and feelings that have so much power over you.

  • Learn an integrative approach to healing and releasing old patterns, self-sabotaging core beliefs and unprocessed emotions.

  • Massively increase your self-compassion and self-understanding.

  • Experience a powerful mind-body exercise that can help you move beyond your entrenched patterns and limiting beliefs.

Watch the replay now!



Do you ever ask yourself, “Why am I the way that I am?!?”

Karena Neukirchner (she/her) | trauma-informed emotional healing coach

We all have feelings that seem to come out of nowhere, thoughts that we know don't make sense (but we can't stop thinking), fears that don’t seem entirely logical, frustrating repeating patterns in our lives and behaviors that go against our better judgment and highest view of ourselves.

Yup, this is normal.

And the most maddening thing is that often you’ve tried therapy, self help, affirmations and/or meditation … but these patterns still persist in your life.

If you could have changed these deep seated patterns by using your intelligence or willpower, you certainly would have by now.

But, these patterns are deeply rooted in your subconscious (or your shadow), and won’t shift until you address them at the roots.

That’s why I'm here with a powerful training designed specifically to show you how to transform these old patterns and limiting beliefs at their subconscious roots!

Save your spot now!


Please join me for this powerful training!


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